Introverts: Can you succeed as an influencer without the anxiety of public life?

Creative outlet. Wealth. Influence. — Yes, please.

On-camera fame? No, thanks.

For a long time now, the standard advice to anyone starting a new YouTube channel or creator-influencer career — has been the same:

  • Put yourself out there.

Even the sound of that sentence irritates me. No, thanks.

And I’m saddened to see the number of introverts who have blindly taken that advice — some to great financial success — only now to be forever burdened with an online, on-camera lifestyle they never really wanted.

Listen, if you happen to love being on camera — if you genuinely enjoy the idea of being recognized by strangers in public and stopped for selfies, shout-outs, social media follow requests, etc. —

…this website won’t be for you.

(I say that with love, and not an ounce of judging — extroverts are amazing to me!)

The strategies I’ll be writing about here, however, are for the rest of us:

  • creative
  • driven
  • private*

*It’s my belief that most of us don’t have to give up this quality to be successful creators and influencers. Shall we find out together?

I’m Davis Alan — welcome to Unfamous Labs: Personal branding and influence for introverts.


